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Research data management

Research data encompass all information that has been gathered, observed, measured, or created for the purpose of verifying original research findings. Research data can take various forms, including numerical values, images, text, as well as metadata such as instrument settings, measurement conditions, and more

Research Data Management

If you want or need to define a Data Management Plan (DMP) meeting the FAIR principles for your project, at the UCT, Prague, we have our own instance of the Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW) tool. This tool facilitates the entire process of filling out and updating the Data Management Plan.


Data Stewardship Wizard (DSW)


You can find more information on the subpages:

Publishing data

If you want/need to publish data, authors from the UCT, Prague can use the publicly available repository Zenodo, managed by CERN. Zenodo allows for the assignment of persistent identifiers and meets credibility conditions, including open access to metadata. UCT has established an institutional community on Zenodo, called the UCT Prag community, enabling metadata curation.


ZENODO Institutional Community of UCT Prague


More information about procedures, repository selection, and choosing a license for data can be found under the "Publishing Data" tab.

Need advice?

Contact our Research Data Management team.

Additional Information

Selected tools and resources to facilitate the writing of a Data Management Plan (DMP) and the establishment of effective scientific data management can be found under the "Tools" tab.

Do I have any obligations in the project regarding data publishing? More information can be found in the Project Center.

Updated: 15.2.2024 13:39, Author: Martin Schätz


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.
