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iduzel: 75485
idvazba: 93448
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čas: 19.9.2024 10:09:27
verze: 5476
branch: trunk
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iduzel: 75485
idvazba: 93448
---Nová url--- (newurl_...)
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jazyk: 'en'
url: '/rdm/storage'
iduzel: 75485
path: 1/71426/71477/71485/75482/75485
CMS: Odkaz na newurlCMS
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IT Support/ Storage

Internal storage and sharing of data within VŠCHT Prague are primarily implemented at the level:

  • Local data storage specific to laboratories/institutes - for personal/sensitive data and results. The possibility of access control at the laboratory/institute level.
  • Cloud storage in MS Teams - more suitable for storing and sharing project documents, not suitable for data or results sharing, especially for personal and sensitive data.
FileSender CESNET - web service for file transfer
  • You can upload files up to a size of 1.9 TB for a single transfer. Details about the service can be found here.
  • It is used for file transfer between two participants, where at least one of them must be verified through the federation.
  • FileSender does not function as a file repository – by uploading a file and specifying to whom the download link should be sent.
  • The second party will receive an email with the link. The file is stored in the system for a maximum of one month and is then automatically deleted.
  • In case you want to receive a file from someone who is not in the federation, you can send them an invitation to upload the file.
  • FileSender can be used by students and employees of the UCT, Prague, which is connected to the CESNET e-infrastructure.
Data storage CESNET - provide an environment for storing and sharing data within the project.
  • This is a temporary working storage that is not intended for data archiving. After the project is completed, it is necessary to release the data space.
  • The storage can be used by academic staff, students, and employees of VŠCHT Prague for educational and research purposes.

The basic service of data repositories (VO - Virtual Organization Storage) allows verified users to store data according to the settings of their storage.

  • Access is centralized based on a request to the head of the Computing Center.
  • After setting up the space, further management of the project repository is handed over to a team member who independently manages access to individual folders and files.
  • For users of organizations connected to the CESNET e-infrastructure, the service is available based on registration without additional fees.
  • Virtual storage (a temporary way to store data) offers the option to control access through EDu-ID.

About the availability of the service, we will inform you subsequently. The expected launch is planned for the turn of January and February 2024.

Updated: 15.2.2024 13:50, Author: Martin Schätz


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.
