If you want/need to publish in Open Access mode, you have the following options:
Gold Open Access publishing
- Prefer the use of free Open Access (OA) publishing options ("tokens")
- especially hybrid, but sometimes purely Gold OA titles, with 10 reputable publishers
- If tokens cannot be utilized, use the OA fund
- primarily intended for purely Gold OA titles
When publishing in Open Access mode, ensure the selection of an appropriate license.
If you are uncertain about certain terms or publishing options with a particular publisher or journal, try using one of the tools (or inquire at openaccess@vscht.cz).
Green Open Access publishing and Publication Repository
UCT, Prague has established a UCT, Prague Zenodo Community.
The Zenodo repository allows for long-term archiving, publication of research outputs, and metadata curation. It also enables the assignment of persistent identifiers and meets credibility conditions, including open access to metadata.
Open Access in projects
The obligation to publish in Open Access (alongside other aspects of Open Science) is becoming more and more widespread among Czech research funders, the specific conditions vary depending on the funder and the call. To check the conditions of your project, contact the Project Centre.
Need advice?
Contact the relevant person from our team.
Additional information
Why it is beneficial to publish in Open Access.