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Open Access fund


Rules for supporting Gold Open Access publishing at the UCT Prague central fund

Organizational settings

Financial support for Open Access publishing for the given calendar year:

  • Allocated from the budget of the UCT Prague to the Center for Information Services of VŠCHT Prague (CIS)
  • CIS is responsible for its administration and management.

Allocation to individual faculties:

  • CIS will allocate based on the RIV points assigned to them according to the latest valid Evaluation of Research Organizations (Government Office of the Czech Republic).

Decision-making on the amount of these virtual financial resources provided to individual authors:

  • Vice-Dean for Research and Development of the respective faculty according to the following rules:


  1. Support can be utilized for articles in journals, books, or individual chapters in books, monographs, etc.
  2. Only peer-reviewed articles (full-paper and review) in journals indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus are accepted (reason: ensuring quality, protection against predatory journals).
  3. Publishing articles in OA format is not supported in the following cases:
    1. in hybrid journals subscribed to by the UCT Prague (double-dipping)
    2. in any journals where free publishing can be used through "tokens."
  4. The first and/or corresponding author must be affiliated with the UCT Prague. 
  5. The amount of the subsidy is determined by the Vice-Dean for Research and Development.

Procedure for Obtaining Support

Support is provided until the allocated amount is exhausted.

The author requests support from the Vice-Dean after submitting:

  • Confirmation of acceptance of the article,
  • Submitted invoices (electronic invoice is sufficient),
  • Completed application for APC reimbursement (application form)

We recommend that at the time of manuscript submission, an inquiry be made to the relevant Vice-Dean for Research and Development about the remaining financial status and whether the article meets the criteria for support.

Send the original application approved by the Vice-Dean for Research and Development of the respective faculty and the invoice (or link for credit card payment) to: Jana Bystroňová,, who will facilitate the financial payment for the respective article.

Authors are always obliged:

Updated: 9.9.2024 16:09, Author: Jiří Jirát


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.
